Happy August CCSHRM Members! We are so excited about our move to Pardini’s coming this month, and hope that you will all agree that this was a necessary and positive change. As a board, we are [...]
Hello CCSHRM Members and Happy July! No doubt you are all realizing that this summer won’t be a relaxing one what with all the goings-on in the world right now. Here we all wished for some [...]
Happy June CCSHRM Members! This month I’d like to talk about the process of sourcing presenters for luncheons and other events. As a board, we do our best to find topics that are relevant and [...]
Hello members and welcome to March! We are very much looking forward to the HR Conference this month and have a lot planned for you! Special thanks to Rhonda May and her committee team members [...]
Dear Members, Entering our 3rd year of this pandemic, I believe Human Resources is more important than ever before. Supporting our teams, whether remotely or in-person, ensuring new hires are [...]
May you all have a Happy, Healthy, and Successful 2022. As we leave 2021 in our rear-view mirrors and continue to ride into the uncharted future of 2022, let us take a deep breath and come [...]
Dear CCSHRM Members, First and foremost, I would like to take the opportunity to say it has been an honor to serve as the CCSHRM president for 2021. I have truly enjoyed my time as a member of [...]