Hello members and welcome to March! We are very much looking forward to the HR Conference this month and have a lot planned for you! Special thanks to Rhonda May and her committee team members [...]
Dear Members, Entering our 3rd year of this pandemic, I believe Human Resources is more important than ever before. Supporting our teams, whether remotely or in-person, ensuring new hires are [...]
May you all have a Happy, Healthy, and Successful 2022. As we leave 2021 in our rear-view mirrors and continue to ride into the uncharted future of 2022, let us take a deep breath and come [...]
Dear CCSHRM Members, First and foremost, I would like to take the opportunity to say it has been an honor to serve as the CCSHRM president for 2021. I have truly enjoyed my time as a member of [...]
Welcome October! October is in the air! Holiday festivals are about to start, meets and greets with our loved ones are about to cheer our homes and workplaces. Our September mixer was a hit! It [...]
Welcome to September! Fall is in the air, but temperatures just do not seem to tie with the season. We are nearing the end of a difficult summer season. This year, many of us lived through record [...]