President’s Message – August 2024

Happy August CCSHRM Community (Current and Future Members),

As we find ourselves in the final stretch of summer, August offers a unique opportunity for reflection and preparation. The end of summer is a time to appreciate the accomplishments of the past months, while also looking forward to the new possibilities that the fall season brings.

Fall is a season of change and growth—a time when we can refocus on our goals and set the stage for success in the months to come. Whether you’re preparing for annual performance reviews, strategizing for next year’s goals, or simply looking to enhance the employee experience in your organization, this is the perfect time to align our efforts with the broader objectives of our businesses.

I want to highlight a few key initiatives and events that will help us make the most of this transition:

  1. Recruiting and Announcements:
    We are starting a new trend at the CCSHRM luncheons. At the beginning of our luncheons, we’d like to invite our HR professionals to stand up and announce the positions they are currently recruiting for within their organizations. This is a great opportunity to share your hiring needs, and potentially connect with peers who may have referrals or insights that could assist you in finding the right candidates. Please bring a list of your open positions to briefly share with the audience. Bring your business cards and let’s support each other in filling these vital roles!

    Did you recently achieve a milestone? Did you receive a promotion, a new position, a certification? We want to know about it! We’d like to invite any HR professionals who have recently achieved a significant workplace milestone or accomplishment to stand up and share their success with us. Whether it’s a successful project completion, a major hiring goal reached, or an innovative initiative implemented, your achievements are worth celebrating. Let’s take this moment to recognize and learn from the outstanding work happening across our organizations.

    Reach out to Marisol Montano, Workplace Readiness and Diversity Director with your open positions and milestones.


  1. Planning Committees:
    Save the Date! Our Fall Foundation Mixer is Thursday, October 17th. Please reach out to Brandi Williams if you would like to be on the planning committee.

    Kim Reimer, Symposium Chair, and Raquel Aguilar, Symposium Co-Chair are looking for volunteers to help plan the 2025 Workplace Symposium, please reach out to them if you would like to be on a committee.

  2. Luncheons and Webinars:
    August 20 – Tisha Zulic will be our luncheon speaker, her presentation will focus on having a seat at the executive table.

    September 17 – Tim Nightingale’s luncheon presentation will focus on collaborative conversations for high performing teams.

    October 9 Webinar – Katherine Fry will host a webinar on performance reviews. We will learn how to construct an effective review and how to train managers on delivering positive and productive feedback.

    October 15 – This is diversity month for CCSHRM! Luncheon topic and speaker TBA.

As the leaves begin to change, let’s embrace this season of transformation with the same enthusiasm and dedication that defines our work in human resources. The fall season offers us a fresh start, a chance to innovate, and an opportunity to continue driving positive change in our organizations.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the HR profession and to the well-being of our workplaces. Let’s make this transition into fall a time of growth, collaboration, and renewed purpose.

As always, we welcome your feedback, suggestions, and ideas on how we can further strengthen our CCSHRM community. Your input is invaluable as we work together to create a vibrant and inclusive environment where all HR professionals can thrive.

If you are not a current member, please consider this as our invitation to join us!  You can learn more about the benefits of membership by reaching out to our Membership Director, Dennis Claborn at

Wishing you a productive and inspiring August as we prepare for the exciting season ahead!

With appreciation,

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