President’s Message- July 2018


We are halfway through the year, and it’s time to start planning for some very exciting Chapter events
for 2019.

Each year, there is an opportunity for you, our members, to serve on the Chapters Board of Directors.
With Chapter elections taking place in September one of the positions we are recruiting for to serve in 2019 is the role of Chapter Vice President. This individual is responsible for booking speakers for both our monthly scheduled luncheons and our special evening events. An important item to consider is this role consists of a three-year term.  As Vice President the first year, he/she will take on the role of Chapter President the following year, then will serve as Past President during the third year of service.
Speaking from personal experience, this position offers the opportunity to meet a vast array of interesting people and guest speakers, Leadership coaches, authors, attorneys, industry professionals, all of whom take time out of their busy schedules to participate at our Chapter events. I have met some truly great individuals! And while we’re on this topic, I’d like to extend a personal thank you to all professionals who have contributed their expertise and valuable time to our Chapter!
If you are interested in serving on the Chapters Board of Directors, you may contact any current board member, or you may email me at There will also be a sign-up sheet available for anyone interested in serving on the Board at the next scheduled luncheon meeting which will be held Tuesday, July 17, 2018, at Torninos.

In addition, the Chapter has begun planning for the 2019 Annual Workplace Conference. The conference will be held on March 26, 2019, at the Clovis Veterans Memorial Hall in Clovis, California.  Volunteers are needed to help form committees who will assist in securing vendors and sponsors, assist with the planning of media, advertising, marketing, and catering. We also need volunteers to help with the set-up and clean-up of the event. Committee meetings will begin in August. Please keep in mind, when planning an event of this magnitude, there is a time commitment involved. Sign-up sheets will be available at the next scheduled luncheon. This is a great opportunity to meet and volunteer alongside Chapter members and professionals in your community!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the next luncheon!

With Gratitude,

Jan Harrold, PHR

Chapter President, 2018

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